Questions to ask accountants before hiring them

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Questions to ask accountants before hiring them

professional services

When it is time to hire an accountant, you should look for one who will give you quality services at affordable cost. The accountant should also help you to avoid trouble with the tax authorities. A good accountant should also communicate on the progress. Interviewing accountants will help you to know the right person for the job.  There are some fundamental questions that you should ask to know if the person is suitable for your accounting needs.

Here are some fundamental questions that you should ask before you make the decision:

What are the fees?

accounting fees

It is important to know how much the accountant will charge. Most accounting firms will bill per hour, but they may still have a monthly rate. It is, therefore, vital that you know before you start working with them.  You should also know what is included in the monthly fees. There are those who will include bank statement balancing, profit, and loss in the monthly fees.  Knowing the rate will help you choose an accountant who is affordable.

What services do you offer?

Most accountants have a wide range of services. They will assist you to do monthly bookkeeping, taxes and audit and payroll processing. There are still those who specialize in certain areas.     If you want an accountant who does all in one service, then you should hire a certified public accountant. A certified public accountant is qualified to do more services.

Do you have any experience?

The experience is an important consideration when you are hiring an accountant.    It is recommended to look for an accountant who has been in your line of business. Having an accountant who is specialized in your kind of business will be an added advantage. For instance, if you have a physical therapist, you should hire a certified public accountant that knows how to handle accounting for such an institution.

What communication channels do you use?


Most professionals firms prefer to use teleconferencing and Skype among other online services. In case you do not a have firm in town, then such online communication will be of great help. There are also professionals who do not like using emailing for security issues involved.  Therefore, it is important that you know from the word go what communication method you will be using the accountant. The accountant should be available all the time in case you have any issue to clarify. Watch the video below for the right queries to ask accountants;